This morning I woke up thinking about cultural norms. I know huh? What a thing to think about at 4:10 am. But it’s really such a sweet pondering because God’s love blows past all social and cultural barriers and expectations and goes straight to the heart.

Koinonia Fellowship

October 7, 2024

Kingdom Culture

“This is the message we have heard from Him and announce to you, that God is Light, and in Him there is no darkness at all. If we say that we have fellowship with Him and yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth; but if we walk in the […]

Koinonia Fellowship

September 16, 2024

Cleaned, cleanses and cleansing

You may recall that the Apostle John identifies himself as “the disciple whom Jesus loved” in his written Gospel account. He makes this reference to himself six times. Some commentators suggest that John was Jesus’ best friend, his closest human companion on earth during His ministry. If that’s the case, then John was simply letting […]

Koinonia Fellowship

September 9, 2024

Loved of God

One of my favorite questions is, “How deep does deep go?” You know, as it pertains to God. Just how deep do we think He will go? We might secretly hope not too deep or not “that” deep because, well… that might be too deep for our comfort level. We want to feel safe. We […]

Koinonia Fellowship

August 26, 2024

The Deepness of God

This morning I woke up with love on my mind. God and His love are the centerpiece in the Kingdom koinonia we have all been called to in Christ. We know that. Praise the Lord! This morning I saw the corresponding expression of agapē as it relates to koinonia. In other words, there is no […]

Koinonia Fellowship

August 12, 2024

Love and Fellowship

What is dear to God, is dear to us. And because God is dear to us, we are dear to one another. Not sentimentalism!! Not obligation!! Not a sappy, gooey love, but a vibrant love and affection that truly flows from the headwaters of Heaven down to earth. How foreign this love is to the […]

Koinonia Fellowship

August 5, 2024

The Love of God


Grace Tapestries Inc.
        P.O. Box 8961
      Boise, ID 83707

Grace Tapestries Inc. is a 501(c)(3) faith-supported ministry that operates through the gifts and contributions of friends like you. Your donations allow us to reach out to frontier and rural communities with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

We are grateful for each gift, large or small. Above all, we are continually aware of the Source of all gifts and gladly wait upon His provision!

You can send your tax deductible donations to:


Thank you for your support! God richly bless you!

Grace Tapestries Inc. is a 501(c)(3) faith-supported ministry that operates through the gifts and contributions of friends like you. Your donations allow us to reach out to frontier and rural communities with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

We are grateful for each gift, large or small. Above all, we are continually aware of the Source of all gifts and gladly wait upon His provision!

You can send your tax deductible donations to:

  Grace Tapestries Inc.
        P.O. Box 8961
      Boise, ID 83707

Thank you for your support! God richly bless you!