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October 18th - 20th, 2024  Quaker Hill // McCall, Idaho

There are three parts to Roots Up (RU): God’s Word, fellowship together in His Word and
worship before our great God. The entire weekend is an opportunity for you to step away from
your daily routine and be encouraged in your walk of faith with the Lord. We pray you will come to RU with a heart full of worship; attending the weekend with God in mind.

If you have attended RU before, you know it’s best to come prepared in the Word. We don’t spring a topic on you. You’ll know where we are going and to a degree, what we will be talking about. You get to participate with us. We all get to engage in God’s Word together, to let it sink deep in our hearts and be challenged to change our attitudes. How wonderful!

It will be our joy to be together again, saturating our sweet souls in the Epistle of 1 John. We pray the RU weekend will be a breath of fresh air for each of us, opening the door to a fellowship that is deeper than perhaps any of us has ever known before, a fellowship with God our Father and with His Son Jesus Christ. The fellowship the Apostle John writes about is life-giving and fruitful to the glory of God.

Join us for a weekend of koinonia fellowship - where the children of God meet together with their Father!

The Lord has us camped in 1 John this year and we will again offer weekly reading groups over the phone in September and October. Please join us in these calls as a very real way God prepares our hearts and minds for the weekend. Not only that, in reading together and in hearing Words of Life, our hearts become particularly riveted with the reality and awe of God. That is great in every way! We live in such a time when the awe of God is needful to our souls. And then, together the Lord illuminates and warms our hearts for His glory!

Please note: You can see that our coming together is for God. Roots Up is not a retreat. It is not a weekend-get-away. It is a satisfying deep dive around God's Word, united together for His purposes. This is an opportunity to "go on" deeper with God together as women in the Body of Christ.

Please share this email with sisters near and far and plan to join us as we linger over His Word together, taking time to see the words, really SEE the words like we’ve never seen them before!!!

If you have any registration questions, please contact Yvette Westendorf at

God is gloriously at work in our times. As you prayerfully consider attending Roots Up this year,
see it as adding spiritual grit to your soul for God’s glory. After all, we are alive in these days by His appointment as ambassadors of reconciliation. Hope to see you in a few months. Godspeed, dear one!

A greeting from Deb! 

Roots Up 2024


a weekend of koinonia fellowship

October 18th - 20th
 in McCall, Idaho at Quaker Hill


Deb Krum loves Jesus. She’s been in vocational ministry for over 15 years, mostly serving the Lord in rural towns, sharing the life of Christ. She is passionate about God, and His Gospel as it is written in the Scriptures, all to the glory of God. She loves being available to the Lord -- trusting wherever and whenever He sends her. Her great joy is to share Him with women and encourage them to live fully in Jesus. 

Meet Deb


Lori Lowe has a sincere, wholehearted love and devotion for the Lord that began early in her life. Her mother steadily pointed her to Jesus. Though she would tell you there were a few years of being disinterested in “religious” things, it’s Jesus she always loved and still does. Lori’s quick wit and practical mind make her a joy to listen to. You just can’t help wanting to be her best friend. Her depth of knowledge in God’s Word is rich and insightful. Aside from the Lord Himself, her passion is for His whole, glorious Gospel. She wants believers everywhere to believe the whole message of the truth. Lori is married to Mike Lowe. Their home is on a beautiful forested ranch in Rathdrum, Idaho. They have two grown sons, with full households of their own. When Lori is not out tending her chickens or harvesting their large garden, you can find her enjoying the sweet simplicity of her nine grandchildren.

Meet Lori


These are ordinary women with extraordinary delivery due to their sole and soul-dependence upon Christ Himself. As a believer—or even one curious about the expanse of God’s love--we are being called into higher, wider, deeper existence in Him. ROOTS UP is a profound opportunity to plant and grow your roots into the soil abounding in the love and  grace of our Eternal, Saving God.

Encouragers in the Word 


The Details

October 18th -20th, 2024
Quaker Hill Camp in McCall, Idaho
$150 for the whole weekend

Registration begins on August 1st, 2024. Click below to join email list and receive optional text updates! 

More on Roots UP


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Interested in Roots Up?


Grace Tapestries Inc.
        P.O. Box 8961
      Boise, ID 83707

Grace Tapestries Inc. is a 501(c)(3) faith-supported ministry that operates through the gifts and contributions of friends like you. Your donations allow us to reach out to frontier and rural communities with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

We are grateful for each gift, large or small. Above all, we are continually aware of the Source of all gifts and gladly wait upon His provision!

You can send your tax deductible donations to:


Thank you for your support! God richly bless you!

Grace Tapestries Inc. is a 501(c)(3) faith-supported ministry that operates through the gifts and contributions of friends like you. Your donations allow us to reach out to frontier and rural communities with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

We are grateful for each gift, large or small. Above all, we are continually aware of the Source of all gifts and gladly wait upon His provision!

You can send your tax deductible donations to:

  Grace Tapestries Inc.
        P.O. Box 8961
      Boise, ID 83707

Thank you for your support! God richly bless you!