You may recall that the Apostle John identifies himself as “the disciple whom Jesus loved” in his written Gospel account. He makes this reference to himself six times. Some commentators suggest that John was Jesus’ best friend, his closest human companion on earth during His ministry. If that’s the case, then John was simply letting everyone know just how very special their bond and relationship was. You know, like they are tight! In my humble, less than scholarly opinion, I don’t think that’s it at all.
The best we can do is speculate as to why John would want his readers to know Jesus loved him. Certainly all the disciples were loved by Jesus, so John couldn’t mean he was the only loved disciple. We don’t know exactly why he wrote that out six times, but we can gather what he was meaning as we read 1 John!!! Do tell! I will.
It’s love and its impact on the heart of man!
Love. Not just any love, but the love of God expressed in and through His Son Jesus. Miracle working, soul-setting-free love! What impact does the love of God have on a human heart? Invasion! Deep intercellular invasion! An invasion into every area of that individual’s living breathing life.
The Epistle of John is written entirely in the tone of one who is loved by God and furthermore, written by one who is ASSURED of God’s love. Unmistakable assurance! Assurance sings off the pages of First John. It’s not a flat, boring doctrinaire assurance of love, it is a deep abiding (yes, key word), radical, filling every pore of his being assurance, because that is precisely what LOVE does and is… when love flows from God into us and through us that unique quality of love from God changes everything in its path!!! Headwaters of Heaven Love!
We know, dear sisters, that the only quality of love that is able to transform anyone is the love of God. His love comes with assurance. It’s not a two-part process! Love and assurance of love is the LOVE of GOD.
Where do we suspect the enemy would try to confuse the Church? At the intersections of love! The rotten lies of the enemy get propagated through many channels, but when love is quenched lies are hatching. My mama heart wants to roar! Perhaps it’s because love was used as a weapon of manipulation for so many years! Love withheld was a way to communicate disapproval in hopes of producing change. That ain’t love. That’s sinful behavior. We know the enemy tries to discredit God by marring His work of love in His bride. And why John would shout, “Greater is HE who is in you, than he who is in the world!”
Amen. We get to come to terms with the Truth and reality of God and His Kingdom. It is very radically different than anything in the world. Love (agapé) is uniquely from God!
Deb Krum